Last Updated: 16/10/21
'You' refers to the site user.
You may link to any page of this site without permission ,but you should not use Iframes to display CATE pages on your own site.
You may distribute screenshots of our site as long as you do not make any profit from it
You may not use any images on our page for your own uses without permission. The only exceptions to this are using our logo when referring to CATE in a post and within screenshots.
You use any information on this site at your own risk and we are not liable for any harm ,including financial and emotional, that may arise from the sites use. Whilst CATE tries to be as accurate as possible we cannot confirm that the information on this site is up-to-date, accurate or reliable. This site is not ment to be a substitution for legal advice and you should go to a trained professional if the need arises.
We are not liable for any third party sites that we may link to and have no control over what they display and do. Please use the links at your own risk.